Grow in your faith

You have decided to start your Christian walk, so what's next?  We want to help you learn to love, to grow, and to be sent as a disciple of Jesus. Below are some ways that can help you on your faith journey.  We would love to journey with you!

Getting Baptized

If you have made that decision to be baptized, we can help!


Pray continually. Your prayer life is a primary key for growing in your faith.

Read & Study

Daily Bible reading to help grow your faith.


Listen for God during life's earthquakes as well as the gentle whispers.

Member of a local church

Being part of a local church is essentail for growing in your faith and helping others to grow as well.

Bible class

Weekly Bible classes will help to grow your faith and relationships with other disciples. 

Small Group

A small group will help you to build accountability with other followers.

Start Serving

God has given us gifts and called us to serve. 


The principle of giving the first fruits or tithe is about placing God first in our lives.
The prophet Micah gave us good advice for our faith journey:  And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God (NIV).